I’m a Mum of 3 teenagers now, that were once toddlers. I had my first two 18 months apart followed by a third so I had 3 babies under the age of 4.
A bit of an over achiever maybe? (joke). Are you like that too?
It can be challenging when you have two crying babies who both need to be held and I don’t know how those with triplets or quads (or more) can stay sane. Hah!
Having said that, it can be challenging enough to try to get one baby or toddler to sleep.
So, in this post I share with you some ideas on getting your toddler (s) to sleep.
If you want a more content toddler then have a read of these 5 Valuable Tips to Get a Toddler to Sleep from Playmat Shop.
If you have a very cranky toddler then chances are they are over-tired. That might not be something you can tell unless you are aware that they have missed naps, are having trouble settling or a just getting to bed too late and up to early.
Of course there can be other reasons they are cranky but not getting enough sleep is a main reason. Here are my 5 top tips on getting your tired toddler to go to sleep.
Tip 1 – Music for Sleep
Music can be used before and during sleep. If it is getting close to the time you would normally put your toddler to bed then put on some relaxing music for the last 30 minutes of play time. Also make sure they are doing a quieter activity such as reading a book or coloring.
When you are trying to get them to nod off, put on some calm meditation or Reiki music. I have used his with great success. My children would ask me to put on the meditation music. One I used was an Osho Meditation CD. Another I used was like listening to being taken on a journey.
Tip 2 – Relax with Them at Bedtime
Toddler eventually grow up and grow out of the need to have us nearby when getting to sleep. There is absolutely no harm in you staying with them until they go to sleep. It is not a bad habit as some may suggest. Yes it does require your time but then the reward is a happier toddler on waking who will be more happy for you to get chores done while they play on their own for a little bit. The payoff is worth it and your toddler does want the comfort of a parent when they need to get to sleep.
You need to weigh up the option of it taking your child longer to get to sleep if you are not nearby or staying with them and they doze off happily. Keep in mind that not all ‘so called expert advice’ is in the best interest of the child. If they need your comfort – give it to them and don’t feel guilty about it.
Tip 3 – Give Your Child Notice of Sleep Time
Often a child or toddler will be engrossed in something fun or interesting. Pulling them away from it with no warning can be upsetting for them.
If you know that sleep time is 30 minutes away, then set a timer for the 30 minute mark before you want them to go to bed. Give them notice at that time that it is bedtime in 30 minutes and to finish up. 15 minutes before lights out, make sure they head off to get changed for bed (or if you bath before bed, allow extra notice time for them).
Then, read a book with them quietly for 15 minutes before lights out.
Tip 4 – Altering Nap Times During the Day
If your baby is converting over from two sleeps, it can be challenging as children do better with the right amount of sleep. Try to make their one nap earlier in the day so you can get them down easier at night time. If they don’t make it through the day and need an additional nap, keep it short and wake them if necessary.
Otherwise, you may find getting them to bed at night at a decent hour is just not going to happen. If this has happened, don”t stress, just pay a quiet game with them and read books and try for a later time slot until they adjust.
Tip 5 – Turn off the Digitals!
In this day and age there are a range of ‘i-things’ and tv. You’ll want to calm the mind of a toddler and one way to assist with this is to turn off screens 2 hours before bed. Provide other playtime options that are calming and start the music routine from tip 1.
When you combine these 5 great tips on getting a toddler to sleep by Playmat Shop, you are going to have more success getting them to bed at night.
We also have some great information on child development.
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